The Wasted Electricity

In 2012, an article discussed Bitcoin's unique mining process, its challenges, and potential as a global currency. It highlighted Bitcoin mining as more than just creating currency but also securing the network, preventing counterfeiting, and serving as a means for people to engage with the community. The intricate process of block creation was necessary to distribute coins fairly and prevent identity spoofing, a significant concern for online systems.

The Wasted Electricity

The article discussed the electricity usage of Bitcoin mining and projected its long-term cost dynamics, considering the diminishing rewards for mining and the shift toward transaction fees. It speculated on Bitcoin's potential as a global monetary system, estimating its value if it were to replace the world's currency. Even with higher transaction fees, the article argued that the benefits of Bitcoin could outweigh costs, potentially supplanting traditional financial systems.

Reflecting on Bitcoin's current status, it has evolved significantly since 2012. It has gained wider recognition, adoption, and investment. The technology has improved, with scalability solutions and growing acceptance in various industries. However, debates continue regarding its environmental impact, scalability, and regulatory challenges. Despite this, Bitcoin remains a prominent and influential player in the world of finance and technology, sparking innovation and debate about the future of money.

The Wasted Electricity

Bitcoin Magazine had a profound impact on Vitalik Buterin's development and understanding of cryptocurrencies. As one of the co-founders of Ethereum, Buterin's involvement with Bitcoin Magazine allowed him to delve deeper into the world of cryptocurrencies, expanding his knowledge and perspective. The magazine provided him with a platform to explore various ideas, engage with the community, and critically analyze the shortcomings and potentials of Bitcoin.

The Wasted Electricity

Through his work at Bitcoin Magazine, Buterin encountered diverse viewpoints and discussions within the crypto space, shaping his thinking and laying the groundwork for his later innovations. This exposure likely played a pivotal role in inspiring him to explore beyond Bitcoin's limitations and envision a more versatile and programmable blockchain platform, leading to the creation of Ethereum. I wanted to capture that and engrave it in the blockchain.


  • 1,000,000,000 token supply
  • 1ETH liquidity burn
  • Fair launch
  • No team wallet
  • Taxes will be lowered to 0/0
  • Do not snipe
  • We will post when it's safe to buy
The Wasted Electricity